6 Ways to Formulate Online Team Building Endeavours for Employees


By their very nature, online team building endeavours are becoming more appreciated and commonplace for business entities. Since society was forced to adapt following isolation through the pandemic across 2020 and beyond, online engagement became the norm.

This digital means of connection now applies to many professional environments, even when it involves the need to create a positive team culture. How can these organisations formulate teams successfully through these frameworks? 

Here are 6 ways any company can approach the task. 


1) Establishing Team Goals 

Creating a thriving team building environment from a standing start is no easy task. Owners and managers have to be open to ask themselves the question – what does an actual team look like and what are we hoping to achieve through this exercise? It might be simple things from improved communication to enhancing problem-solving skills, shaping leadership capabilities or purely to break the ice and welcome a new member into the group. Consider these objectives before progressing to any additional steps. 

2) Prioritising Communication Pathways 

With staff members based in remote locations, it is very easy for online team building endeavours to feel like they are tasks that become too difficult to manage. Who is online? Who is available? Can we reschedule? What happened before and what are we doing now? Rather than face a barrage of questions and issues with the set-up and the concept itself, have an open domain where communication is a priority. Have everyone involved acting as a moderator to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

3) Seeking Inspiration Through Case Studies 

The rationale and methodology for beginning these online team activities will arrive through a reference point. Perhaps it was a puzzle, a piece of trivia, a project, a game, a mystery or a competitive sport of some kind. Whatever the scenario, it is helpful to expand the search and review case studies where industry outlets have applied these exercises for their own group. What worked? What fell flat? What offered an environment for creativity, debate and critical thinking? What offered a mental health break? 

4) Removing the Need for Supervision 

Online team building endeavours are at their best when groups are able to engage independently and with a degree of self-discipline. If there is a constant sense of supervision with management carefully perusing these online sessions, it restricts how people express themselves and feel involved. While a small footprint may be necessary from the hierarchy, it is beneficial to allow staff to take ownership

5) Honest Feedback & Assessment 

How are companies able to formulate a successful team culture through these online building exercises? They cannot be forced and they cannot be run artificially. Those who invest the time and effort being involved in these programs must be in a position to offer genuine feedback and to be in a position to assess the viability of an exercise before offering other solutions. Sticking to these formats eventually becomes routine and it creates disengagement that must be avoided. 

6) Investing in the Resources 

Companies who are serious about developing a true team environment and not just focusing on the task for the sake of appearances need to put their money where their mouth is. They are not large-scale costs to incur, but formats like Skype, Zoom and accessible applications are required. The same principle applies to desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets that enable members to log in and get involved in real time activities. Once staff have access to the essentials, then they have the capability to use any number of engagement methods that prove effective. 


The tangible benefits of online team building endeavours may not be realised after the first session. They might not even become evident after the first week. This is a process that focuses on the forging of working relationships and interaction of characters who have their own personalities to bring to the collective. If the focus is to have fun and to break down the barriers that make work stressful and a bland routine, then the business is already on the path to a great outcome.