Reasons To Call A 24 Hour Doctor

taking blood sample


Round the clock services are becoming more and more common nowadays. People are demanding ease, convenience and flexibility in their services in order to fit everything in to their busy lives. The health profession is adapting and finding new ways to tackle patient needs. Read more below about why you might call a 24 hour doctor.


You need someone out of hours

One of the most common reasons people choose to call for a 24 hour doctor is that require assistance outside of hours. Whether it’s due to an acute onset of symptoms that need attention outside of clinic hours, problems with getting out of work or making it into your local health facility or clinic during working hours, or unexpected issues that need fast attention (like forgotten prescriptions that need to be filled) a 24 hour doctor is a fast and convenient way to be seen.

Many medical issues can’t wait for business hours, but are not considered an emergency. The option for patients to access services after hours means that they do not need to visit emergency departments, keeping them clear of unnecessary visits and able to focus on the seriously ill or injured and saving patients a lot of time waiting around to be seen. It also gives people flexibility to take care of their health concerns without taking time off work, which is important in today’s fast paced world.


You can’t get an appointment at the clinic

It’s no secret that health services are under increasing strain as they struggle to keep up with patient numbers and needs. In many areas, gaining access to health services can involve long wait times, this is especially the case in more rural areas. 24 hour doctor services can be a quick solution for people who need to get their health concern resolved quickly. If you’re not able to get an appointment at your local health office, try a 24 hour doctor’s service, as many can respond in little more than an hour.


You can’t leave the house

If you’re ill or injured and unable to drive yourself to be seen by a health professional then a 24 hour doctor service might be the way to go, as they usually operate phone services or drive out to visit you. Being seen in your own home allows you to remain comfortable and focus on getting better, whilst still having someone to check you out and give their medical advice. This can be a great solution if you’re home sick from work and need a medical note. It’s also a great option for people home taking care of children, unable to drive or for whom medical services are a long distance away.


Your symptoms or needs aren’t an emergency

A lot of conditions out there fall under the acute or requiring attention category but aren’t necessarily serious, and many people visit health professional for fairly routine needs. The truth is that most in-clinic visits could be resolved in a ten minute consultation and shouldn’t require a visit to a clinic. Many people go to see their GP’s to refill prescriptions or get minor check-ups done, a 24 hour doctor could easily assist with this and reduce the patient load on in-clinic GPs. Likewise, many conditions that lead to emergency room visits could be resolved with a visit from a 24 hour doctor, such as minor asthma or respiratory symptoms, minor injuries or illness or other non-serious health concerns. It’s important to remember that serious symptoms such as intense headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, muscle aches can be signs of a serious condition. If symptoms are serious always go straight to the emergency room.